Lockdown Activity
What's been happening in the Covid-19 Lockdowns?
Some of our members have been busy on modelling projects, and some have been brave/foolhardy enough to post some pictures.
Eric's OO9 Layout
Click to see enlarged pictures
I have always been interested in OO9 and with the recent release of lots of ready to run stock I have built yet another layout , quite small , as I am not permitted to use the loft (often ? Oops) so I built it 3' X 14" layout to go in my little bedroom.
I decided to use Kato track as it is easy to use and the pack I used was quite cheap and very small radius curves .
So the layout progressed and is now nearly complete . It isn't a work of art but I like it !
I made a section of canal by covering the base board with foam board suitably cut out for the canal bed and painted the canal bed dark brown ,then I covered it with pieces of clear plastic from a Peco point sleeve. The lock gates are scratch built using balsa wood and card painted black and white. The canal boat was scratch built and needs to be finished , in fact a lot of "finishing" needs doing.
Geoff's N gauge Shed layout
My shed layout has had a few tweaks in that I have now fitted motors to the fiddle yard points, which is an improvement because I couldn't really see to change them by hand.
I have also extended the length of the passing loop and have been playing around with Dapol easi-shunt couplings, which I have found to be quite good.
I have attached a photo of the layout with all the lights on and a couple of trains on view. The rest are in the four-road fiddle yard through the tunnel.
Eddie's running night
Eddie's home layout running session with GWR stock in the main but I think there's a SR intruder in there too!